Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Paper Personas Perfecto

  Lately have become obsessed with the idea of paper dolls.  It started with stumbling on a challenge from Art Doll Quarterly, Paper Personas...
which sound so fun I started sketching right away.
  I was curious to see what else is out there so I did a Bing search on paper dolls and to my utter joy, my heart is racing...I found The Ginghams, a set I had as a small girl.  NOT ONLY did I find pictures but a link so that you too may print out A FULL SET for yourself! or your kids if you have them.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

Trying to maintain so many sites my head is spinning like my twitter post that won't tweet.
Wishing I had a little time to read like this happy bird so anxious to get home. Have a Friday deadline to submit to an editor and panicking!  Gotta get to work!