Friday, September 26, 2014

Fairy Obsessed

  Hello friends!  It's been a busy summer.  I'm happy to say I found time to
rework my website and you can check it out here:
  Like a crazy woman I decided to do another craft show.  So my focus is still a bit sidetracked.
The difference is, this time I am working on ways to make my art relate.  Such as these little
elf and fairy doll sketches becoming a reality in sweet fabrics. (Fairies again, though these are cutesy
ones, and not so realistic!)  I plan to do a few paintings of these dolls too, maybe for cards.  Some
of the crafts for this show are part of a bigger plan too, another book idea in the works.

   Promise to post photos of the finished products in the somewhat near future!  Also, I've
decided I will be posting on Fridays now.  See you next week!  :)Rachel