Saturday, September 28, 2013

Compare and Contrast

    I painted a watercolor study last night from this photo I took.  I am learning a lot
in my landscape painting class, especially about the importance of contrast
and how to achieve it.  This is something I have had trouble with in the past.
Contrast is so important as it helps direct the viewer's eye.  It can draw you
into a painting, and help show depth.  It's tricky to get very dark with watercolor.
Use three colors to get the darkest color, and layer color as it dries and lightens.

     The drawing is a bit off and this painting feels a little lonely.  I really
like the effects I got with the wash.  I see hope on the horizon.
    Again, I highly recommend taking any art classes.  My class is taught at
the local art guild, and is very economical.  The teacher is an award winning
watercolor artist.   Look into classes in your area,  or just get outside and
paint or draw.  Go out when there is dramatic lighting, I found the morning
and evening hours to be the best.  Have fun!

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